Thursday, May 31, 2012

2 weeks (almost) to go!

So it's been awhile since I've posted, but we've been so busy! Mike graduated from Carlson three weeks ago, and then left on a trip to Europe for one of his classes.  He's been to Amsterdam, Munich, Vienna, and Prague (and probably a few other places), and seems to be having a blast.  He comes home, much to me and Norman's relief, on Saturday!  That will mark two weeks before we leave for Japan. 
I'm currently at my parent's house, working on invitations with my mom.  After being alone in Albertville for almost two weeks, I decided I needed more human interaction, and headed to Lindstrom!  There's so much that needs to be done still, but I keep telling people it's a good kind of stress!  I'm hoping to have the invitations and programs done and printed and ready to go by Sunday night.  Hopefully this is doable!
Norman and I have both been sick the past couple of weeks, but we're on the mend.  I had to go to the hospital with what turned out to be my first migraine, then I had food poisoning or a stomach bug for a week, and then I caught a cold.  Norman was having some tummy troubles too, but we figured out a feeding schedule that seems to have cured it.  It's probably just stress catching up with both of us, but I'm happy to get it out of my system before we head to Japan!
We found out that our hotel/apartment doesn't have a huge kitchen area, and doesn't have many supplies.  So, I'm working on a box to ship over that will have a few essentials, such as a pot/pan, silverware, and dish soap and towels.  It appears as though we have one burner and a small refrigerator...yikes!  We can make it work though, especially for 3 months.
Norman is getting excited to stay with his Aunties Lindsey and Gina in Hopkins/Minnetonka, but we're sure going to miss him!
In my downtime, I've been (unsuccessfully) trying to learn Japanese.  It's a hard language! I'm hoping I'll pick some up when I get there, but I'm bringing my learner's dictionary just in case.
I have also been planning out some day trips that I want to take, so I should have tons of posts regarding those trips.  Mike will be working during the day, and everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do during the day while he's gone...clearly I'll be exploring! I love checking out new places, so this will be no exception. 
Well, this might be the last post until Japan, but the posts will get more interesting then, I promise!

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