Monday, September 10, 2012

12 days until the wedding!

Hi Everyone!
Sorry for the month-long break from posts.  We made it safe and sound back to America, and have been in full wedding planning mode ever since.  We've had some ups and downs, but everything is looking up now!
One major "down" was that while purchasing a SodaStream at Best Buy, the CO2 cartridge fell through the bottom of the box, tearing the cardboard and landing directly foot.  It hurt, a lot! 12 days of hobbling and a trip to the podiatrist later, I found out that it wasn't broken but had a lot of soft tissue damage and bone bruising.  I got a cute boot to wear while it cute, I mean not cute.  Luckily, it's feeling a lot better now, so I won't have to bedazzle the boot to go with my wedding dress!
Speaking of my wedding dress, thanks to a lot of walking and eating healthy in Japan, I lost the weight I needed to so that it fits perfectly. Woo hoo! With the help of a trainer, I've been able to keep it off, so things are looking up!
We're feeling pretty good about the wedding itself, and after a lot of hounding, we're pretty sure that we have all but 2 RSVPs back, bringing us to about 175 attendees for our big day.
Mike leaves for Vegas for his bachelor party on Friday...his best man Dalibor has put a lot of planning into the weekend, so it should be fun, as long as he stays out of trouble!!
My Maid of Honor Lindsey has planned what should be an AWESOME bachelorette party for me on Saturday..Irish favorite!  Then we have a whirlwind week until the wedding, wrapping up in a wedding shower, a rehearsal dinner, and a wedding!
We are heading to Maui for our honeymoon, and I can't WAIT to be on a beach, relaxing with my handsome husband!
Well, that's about it for now, I just wanted to check in with you all and let you know that we are home and so excited for our big day!
I promise to post wedding pictures (and honeymoon pictures) when I get back from Maui! :-)

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