Monday, July 16, 2012

Escape from Tokyo (Kind of) Part Two

These are out of camera confused me.  Sorry! The reason I say "kind of" in the title is that Odaiba and Tokyo bay are technically in Tokyo, but it doesn't feel like it.  

We got off the subway and wer greeted with palm trees and blue skies.  Felt like California!

 There was this fountain, with lots of really cute kids running through it:
 Ahead was our destination: Tokyo Sea Life Center:

 We got there and came across this deck, which was SO COOL.  Sea water, and then beyond that, the ocean.  Amazing.

It's me! It was so windy, I was trying to keep my shirt from flying up!

 Below the dome were fish from the seven was kind of cool.

Here were some giant was hard to get a picture of them because they were swimming so fast!

 It was really crowded.  Here were some fish from the pacific sea.  We remembered seeing some of these when we were in Hawaii:

 Rock fish...can you tell where it is??
 There it is!
 Leafy sea dragon...pretty cool!


 More tuna: the penguins! Remember reading about a brave penguin who escaped into Tokyo Bay and lived there for two months until he was captured and brought back?? This is where he escaped from.  I'm kind of bummed he was captured!

 Here was where you could pet some small sharks and sting rays.  We opted out..the crowds were way too much.

 A lobster shell:

I was trying to get a picture of this puffin, because he had two blonde pigtails, and I thought he was hilarious.  He had a different idea though, and kept swimming away from me.


 Back outside:
 It was really windy, and Mike was trying to cool off.

Then we were trying to get to Odaiba and ended up getting off at a stop that kind of brought us there.  Here's Tokyo Big Sight, which is a conference center.

 We found the Panasonic headquarters, where they had a Nintendo floor.  Mike was excited:
 After a lot of walking, we made it to a part of Odaiba that had Toyota Mega Web, and Palette Town, which was a huge shopping complex...and a ferris wheel!

 There were people everywhere with crazy wigs on, in interesting colors.  I had to sneak my pictures:

 Then we got to Toyota Mega Web, which was a HUGE Toyota showroom:

 Mike went towards the Minivans again... he was trying to run away before I took this picture.  For shame!!!
 A car elevator:

It's me! In a Lexus!

 It had a joystick to control the gps, which I thought was really cool:
 The ferris wheel:
 Test drive track:

Mike next to the sign by the minivans...I won't pretend to understand it.

 A teddy bear in a car seat! Of Course!

Then we got out to Palette Town, which had a lot happening:

 Including a Hello Kitty Store:

 Complete with a pancake party:

 Also, hello kitty was leading all of the girls in a fitness routine:

 There were tons of dog stores, so we headed in. Mike wouldn't let me buy Norman anything, even though these two Dachsunds were proudly sporting matching tank tops:
 He especially wouldn't let me buy this pink parliamentarian wig for Norman, in support of the Olympics in London!
 Then we got into a historical museum on cars, put on by Toyota.  It's a DeLorean!
 Mike took this picture for Eric Thompson:

Sometimes you need three tiny dogs, in matching outfits (sidenote: today I considered dog napping)

Ok, on you go to part three now!

1 comment:

  1. I wish there was a like button!! Hope you are having a great time :)
