Monday, July 16, 2012

Escape from Tokyo (Kind of) Part Three

After leaving the sealife aquarium, we headed to Odaiba Island.  Let me just say, I LOVE ODAIBA!

 We came to this beach, where hundreds (maybe thousands) of paper lanterns were set up in the olympic rings, and with figures carrying olympic torches, and "TOKYO 2020 CANDIDATE CITY" Spelled out in English and in Japanese characters.  It was so cool!

 The wreath you can see below was also made into paper lanterns:

 They all had sand and a single tealight

 This dog was really excited:
 Mike's transition lenses stopped working so he stole my sunglasses:

We went up to a restaurant that sold Kona Beer, and we found out that we had to have reservations to get in.  Jerks.  I took this picture though, can you see TOKYO spelled out in paper lanterns below?

 A crowd started to gather:

 Mike got us some beers and hot dogs (the American dream??):

 These official type people started to gather:

 The girl in the middle was someone famous..?

Here they all are, lighting their paper lanterns after about 30 minutes of speeches that we couldn't understand:

 While a trumpet player played the theme for Indiana Jones...hahahahahahaahaha.

Then she got mobbed for autographs and pictures:

 Mike got us more beers:

 The sunset was absolutely beautiful:

Mike was thoughtful:

 They gave us lighters to light the lanterns:

 Here you can see the lanterns lit:

 Mike and I worked our way through, re-lighting the ones that weren't lit anymore.

 It was an awesome feeling, walking through all of the lanterns as the sun was setting!

 We headed towards the train station to go home, and saw the ferris wheel from before was lit up:

All in all, a great night, as I ended it with a phone call to my mom, who is going to be here in three days, with papa bear! Can't wait!!!

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